SKU: 3948-SHUTGUNFire Sprinklers Cause An Average Of $35,000 In Water Damage
A single sprinkler releases 60 gallons of water every minute. With Shutgun you can turn your sprinkler heads off yourself in seconds with our fire sprinkler head shut off tool.
The Shutgun is an indispensable emergency fire sprinkler shut off tool for firefighters and maintenance personnel who need to shut off an activated fire sprinkler fast. One handed operation for shutting off activated sprinkler heads. Helps prevent excessive water damage. A built in fusible link will release the Shutgun if the fire rekindles, allowing the sprinkler to re-activate. The fusible link will release the installed Shutgun at a temperature of 164° F/73° C if there is a fire which means the building remains protected while it is in place.
Tip: Put a Shutgun emergency fire sprinkler shut off tool with every fire extinguisher for maximum availability.