Apollo Monitor
When mounted in the deck mode the Apollo has a 360 degree rotation, 180 degree in the portable mode. Vertical travel from 80 degrees above to 15 degrees below horizontal with built-in 35 degree safety stop. Waterway is 3" with cast-in turning vanes for efficient flow. The direct mount is a combination 3" NPT female and 3" flange. Discharge is 2.5" Male.
1025-3416 Apollo Single Inlet Portable and Deck Monitor Includes: ground base, lift off, direct mount, tube and tips. 1000 GPM portable, 1250 GPM deck mount.
Specify Inlet: 3.5" - 5" Female, 4, 5" Storz.
1025-3423 Apollo Dual Inlet Portable and Deck Monitor Includes: ground base, lift off, direct mount, tube and tips. 800 GPM portable, 1250 gpm deck mount.
Specify Inlet: 2.5" or 3" Female.
1025-5160 AKROMATIC 1250 NOZZLE Pyrolite, manual pattern control 250-1250 GPM flow, 2.5" Inlet.